Building a positive community blogger

23 April 2009

Lately, a lot of blogs that discuss about the despicable act of the bloggers who blog attack other people. Is it true that there are attitudes like this?
If this is correct, very seriously be lamented. But this clearly violates the rules set by the google, as owner of facilities blogger.

If we realize, make sure have a positive purpose. Somehow they know, create a blog with the goal of getting knowledge from other bloggers.

If we realize, make sure have a positive purpose. Whether they realize it or not, create a blog with the goal of getting knowledge from other bloggers. Beside the article is the result of their thoughts. Actual purpose of the blogger, not as evil as a mental place them. However, the blog will be a place of living if the aspirations of the exchange, exchange proficiency in writing articles for the benefit of others.
Then, why should they attack each other? Would it really have happened?
Let us wake up blogger community in a positive, not to lose this facility.


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